Codechef October long challenge 2021 |Which Mixture Solution | MIXTURE Solution


October Challenge 2021 Division 3 (Rated) - CodeChef

Codechef October long challenge 2021 |Which Mixture Solution | MIXTURE Solution

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Chef has A units of solid and B units of liquid. He combines them to create a mixture. What kind of mixture does Chef produce: a solution, a solid, or a liquid?

A mixture is called a:

1) A solution if A>0 and B>0,

2) A solid if B=0, or

3) A liquid if A=0.

Input Format

  • The first line contains T denoting the number of test cases. Then the test cases follow.
  • Each test case contains two space-separated integers A and B on a single line.

Output Format

For each test case, output on a single line the type of mixture Chef produces, whether it is a SolutionSolid, or LiquidThe output is case sensitive.


  • 1T20
  • 0A,B100
  • A+B>0


  • Subtask 1 (100 points): Original constraints

Sample Input 1 

10 5
0 3
3 0

Sample Output 1 



Test case 1: Chef adds both solid and liquid to the mixture, hence the mixture is a solution.

Test case 2: Chef does not add solid to the mixture, hence the mixture is liquid.

Test case 3: Chef does not add liquid to the mixture, hence the mixture is solid.

C++ Solution

#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int t; cin>>t; while(t--){ int a,b; cin>>a>>b; if(a>0 && b>0){ cout<<"Solution"; } else if(a==0 && b>0){ cout<<"Liquid"; } else if(b==0 && a>0){ cout<<"Solid"; } cout<<endl; } }


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